Latest Tenders

ጽ/ቤቱ ለውስጥ መንገዶች የኮብልስቶን ምንጣፍ ሥራ በመንገድ ሥራ ተቋራጭ ዘርፍ የተደራጁ ማህበራትን ወይም የግል ተቋራጮችን አወዳድሮ ማሠራት ይፈልጋል፡፡
ጽ/ቤቱ የተለያዩ የህንፃ መገጣጠሚያ ዕቃዎች መግዛት ይፈልጋል፡፡
ጽ/ቤቱ ማሽኖችን ኪራይ በሰዓት በግልፅ ጨረታ ሕጋዊ የሆኑ ድርጅቶችን አወዳድሮ ለማሰራት ይፈልጋል፡፡
The Bureau invites Consultancy Service for Construction Supervision, Contract Management, Operation and Maintenance
The Bureau invties for Construction Works of Six Bridges Project 
The University invties for the Procurement Supply, Landscaping and Gardening Maintenance
The Enterprise invites for the consulting service
The invites for Boreholes source civil works Construction & supply and Installation of pipes and fittings and Electromechanical Equipments.
The Authority invites for Drilling and construction of Four Deep Water Wells
ማህበሩ ንጹህ አሸዋ ለግንባታው ስራ ይፈልጋል፡፡
The NGO invites for Architectural and Engineering Design Service
The Company invites for execute the sub-contract works.
The University invites for the construction works
The Bureau invties for the supply of SANITARY AND ROOFING MATERIALS.
ጽ/ቤቱ ለእንጨትና ብረታ ብረት ስራዎች አገልግሎት የሚውል የጥሬ ግብአቶች የጥገና የቧንቧ የኤሌክትሪክና የግንባታ ዕቃዎች ለመግዛት ይፈልጋል፡፡
The Bureau invites for construction of civil works, supply and installation of pipes and fittings
The Bureau invites for the Construction Works of Six Bridges Project
The Bureau invties for the construction works
The Bureau invites for Design and Build Road Project works
The Company invites for the Main Office Renovation Works.
