Latest Tenders

The University invites for Minor Design Review, Construction works
ጽ/ቤቱ ቢሮ ግንባታ ሥራ በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ማሰራት ይፈልጋል፡፡
ጽ/ቤቱ የውሀ ግንባታ ስራ ማሰራት ይፈልጋል፡፡
The Commission invites for the Provision of Consultancy Service
ጽ/ቤቱ የአዳራሽ ግንባታ ሥራ ለማሠራት ህጋዊ ተጫራቾችን በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ማሠራት ይፈልጋል፡፡
ድርጅቱ የውሃ ቁፋሮን ውሃ ሥራ ግንባታ ማሰራት ይፈልጋል፡፡
ጽ/ቤቱ Electromechanical laboratory equipment and tools
The Office invites for the Construction of G+3 Building
ኮሌጁ የተለያዩ የቧንቧ ዕቃዎች በግልፅ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ ለመሸጥ ይፈልጋል፡፡
The Bureau invites for Water Supply Project ​​​​​​​works
The NGO invites for boreholes and shallow wells drillings works
The Bureau invites for Supply and fix galvanized roller shutter door and related work
The Corporation invites for the Supply and Install of Domestic Water pump and fire pumps
ጽ/ቤቱ የተለያዩ የሜካኒካል ክፍሎች የጥገና እና የማሻሻያ አገልግሎት መስጠት የሚችሉ ድርጅቶችን በግልጽ ጨረታ አወዳድሮ በረጅም ዓመት ኮንትራት ለማሰራት ይፈልጋል::
ጽ/ቤቱ ቤት የዲዛይን ግምገማና ማፅደቅ፣ የግንባታ ቁጥጥር እና የኮንትራት አስተዳደር የማማከር አገልግሎት ስራን ማሰራት ይፈልጋል፡፡
The Bureau invites for the Construction works
The Bureau invites for Procurment of Construction Materials
The Bureau invites for the Construction and Completion of the Remaining Work
The Authority invites for Procurement of 20 Public/Communal School/Health Toilets in Different Sub Cities and Water Catchment
The Authority invites for Construction of Workshop and Depot of Bus Rapid Transit I (BRT) B2 Pilot Line Project
