Traditional marriage counseling is all so “flimsy”. Projects left unfinished and half-done chores are droplets of water accumulating over time into a deluge. It's the most successful marriage crisis program in the world. Realizing our errors and struggling to change ourselves is not the easiest thing to do, but because of whats at stake its the most rewarding thing to do. Unlike in other professions, where healing protocols are ultimately derived from all practitioners using the same protocols, testing minor changes in a standardized way, then improving upon the same protocols, there are no processes within the broad “school of psychology” to facilitate that. Nicholas 5 years ago As a counselor in training, I find your points very interesting. I have been helping thousands of marriages for many years using a system that I designed and perfected to help even the most desperate couples; inexpensively- with support from counselors. Our programs are definite, clear, understandable, and effective. Donna How harsh is your criticism of what you call my dialogue! If you come home disagreeing with your spouse saying, “Well, my therapist said…” then you need to become a little more aware of the influence your individual therapy is having on your marriage. Famous marriage family therapists, such as Gottman, cautiously state “Marriage counseling is hard work, and there are no guarantees.”. But that’s not working out too well, either. Some therapists claim they are needed for negotiation and arbitration; they think it is their role. I certainly learned a thing or two from reading it. The typical processes that may be fine for individuals are very dangerous to marriages. Marriage is not a business, where problems need immediate solutions. The effects of anxiety can ruin romantic relationships, marriages, friendships, and careers. (opens in a new window). In most of life’s interactions there is competition on one level or another. Even if they grow up and marry a supportive spouse, they still often suffer from their parents’ inability to repair their own marriage. Theirs is a terrible approach to take, because, ultimately, it reduces your marriage to a business deal of sorts. The combination of an online tutorial and access to our trained and loving counselors is the best way I know of to heal any marriage as quickly and effectively as is humanly possible. There are four primary “aspects” to marriage. The Orthodox Union is honored to be cosponsoring the online shloshim for Rav Gedalia Dov Schwartz zt"l. Thursday, J…, RT @NDiament: #Appropriations package contains doubling of funding for @DHSgov #Nonprofit Security Grants to help keep houses of worship an…. 13. The indisputable fact is that while psychologists have “been in charge” of marriage study (for over 100 years) most people get divorced, or are unhappily married. 99% of  marriage problems are solved addressing the underlying dynamics. Fact is you will not know till you try. Even if divorce is not encouraged, it is not helpful when a therapist speaks poorly about your spouse or gives you advice. While individual therapy is helpful for individuals, it is often counterproductive for couples going through marital problems. It takes proactive, knowledgeable actions to work the wonders you deserve in your marriage. Then everything else can, and will, spring from the happiness you share. I have heard the excuses because many of our clients tell us they want to save their marriage but their marriage counselor told them it was impossible because…. They just don’t understand marriage. What changed now? Every marriage is comprised of two “flawed” human beings, so having a psychological flaw is not a deal breaker. She became so attached to the therapist that had encouraged her to “work on herself” and concluded that it was her husband that was the problem. I think you’d find a ton of people who would be super interested in your blog here. I know you can’t put text up, but just throw in a few pics and build an audience there. But because we make it easier to heal your marriage than ask you to stick it out for the sake of your kids, I will only say that if you had a a crystal ball that showed what a divorce will do to your kids you would not split. Having a reliable body of knowledge is imperative. Although marriage therapists and counselors' primary goal is to help you improve your relationship, that isn't always possible. Excuses are not useful. An example of a ‘whole living organism’ is the human body. After reading Save The Marriage, you may decide to follow Dr. Baucom’s steps to turn your marriage around on your own, or you may still want to go to counseling. Too often one of the couple will go to sessions and hear that their spouse is a creep, or cold, or whatever. Even if working on problems and issues ‘worked’, what good would it do to just stop a problem or two, anyway? Both of you have to deal with, control, your own mind. Long story short.... about six years ago (before we were married), I found an email (yes, snooping, bad) from my then boyfriend (now husband) to his ex-girlfriend. There are some counselors who will keep you in counseling for months or years with the “promise” of a better future or better “you”. Marriage family therapists don’t share relevant statistics with new clients. CLICK HERE TO READ MY REVIEW OF SAVE THE MARRIAGE BY LEE BAUCOM, PhD. After grueling (and expensive) months of little or no positive progress, therapists finally sent their clients to me, or to a family law lawyer (especially if they had screwed up by taking sides) to get a divorce. Couple after couple has sat upon my couch and the problems expressed come from these three underlying beliefs: 1. Sure, there are a few incredible therapists, but even they are doing their own thing. So, as you can gather, the basis for their ideas, diagnosis’s, and treatments, are quite random. Our in-house stats (over 10 years or so) are that couples who both willingly take their course will not only turn their marriage around, but even couples who are not in emergency have astounding success; pretty much 100% of the time. Most people naturally expect knowledge and training to be rigorous and consistent for marriage counselors, too. Although I agree that “there are no guarantees with “traditional” marriage counseling“, effective marriage help systems, like ours ARE guaranteed. If you want to save your marriage, for the love of God, don't go to marriage counseling. Eighteen years ago my marriage was in tatters. Use the breakdown, big or small, as a warning, instead of a sign that your marriage is over. ... You must first want help and then pursue counseling. Worse still, it is common for one spouse to feel that the therapist is able to provide the warm, understanding, and available presence he or she is looking for in the marriage. Here is what happens in sessions. I, of course, also gave plenty of thought— obsessive amounts of thought—to my husband's role in our breakup, but as I am learning and relearning, there is always more than one side to each story. Because there are no “practical” qualifications. Jealous Bitter Older Woman has Ruined my Marriage 2020-11-22T08:45:07-05:00. It must be pointed out that, for many “reasons”, the idea of working on problems in your marriage seems perfectly logical. It leads to insecurity and second-guessing. Experience is a bonus. No two are the same. Marriage is not about signing some papers or walking down the aisle. Never talk about your marriage problems, not with each other, not with your friends, relatives, or anyone else. They help them get their footing back. We see GREAT results when only one takes the course designed for their gender. We get questioned (challenged may be a better word) regularly, mostly by men, who just want to change “one thing”, or two. Remember  the “venting” phase, when people were told to “let it all out”? They are rated by things that don’t matter; like they wrote a good book. Do you recall the law of cause and effect? They make sure the person reaching out is 100% clear, and know how to approach their next steps. You must proactively do your part. Think of the underlying dynamics as the soil in which your marriage is rooted. Otherwise, getting to know you is useless for saving your marriage, and moreover, it is invasive. Not just words on paper, that wouldn’t help anyone. For those that think I am discouraging individual therapy, know this. The therapist even asked the husband what he would like his wife to work on. In contrast, when you systematically stop the cycles, the current problems will gradually lose their power over you. What a great article. If you come home disagreeing with your spouse saying, “Well, my therapist said…” then you need to become a little more aware of the influence your individual therapy is having on your marriage. Your desire for happiness, through love, is why you got married in the first place. They know they are in deep trouble. I know they don’t because I do. We skip the symptoms, and go to the heart of “why” your marriage is failing, and what you need to now do to stop the slide towards divorce, and redirect your efforts to love and harmony for the rest of your lives. I didn’t write this to put down marriage counselors, who as people are like everyone else. A little jealousy can be reassuring in a relationship and may even be programmed into us. They can tell you anything they want. Each program contains about 40 videos and additional text supplements. You literally got married for the happiness that comes from love! When I first began my ‘experimentation’, based on my newly developed processes, I not only did not charge my clients, but I offered to handle their divorce (which they came to me for in the first place) for free if I was not successful. Nothing is proven. Paul devised an entirely new approach to marriage that empowers individuals to finally understand and cultivate expanding happiness and love in their marriages. As I hear of families breaking apart, I am working with children of divorce who are trying to salvage their own marriages. Then the question has to be asked. Its easy for some to make clever excuses for their failures, often blaming the couple, while some of their self-created “statistics” promoting the ‘effectiveness’ of marriage counseling are highly suspicious. It does not allow for venting or watching people. The person being complained about will become defensive, and shut down. They show applicable techniques for how to connect, let things go, and grow their marriage on the foundation of love. I ruined my marriage I have never posted on Reddit, but often read real life struggles that I have been able to relate with. I have never heard of a person changing themselves because they at last realized they made a mistake, or were foolish, or “wrong”, or whatever. For that we are thankful. These facts really says something about them not having a cohesive, or explainable, formula for marriage. I have tried to give them all the love but they always do their worse. Another reason I strongly oppose the use of marriage counseling has to do with the “set-up”. Marriage counseling almost always begins with a “what is going on” question. Good therapists for marriages, never try to solve problems, or even help couples solve their problems. Ruined to Recovery helps both spouses navigate their next steps when the affair is discovered. There are, at times, such horrendous behaviors that are rooted in deep mental sickness, or evil. Change that around. I think you’d find a ton of people who would be super interested in your blog here. But read on. Remember how before you got married you thought about love, friendship, family, intimacy, sex, and other deep and significant elements of your life, and lives together? I know you can’t put text up, but just throw in a few pics and build an audience there. But psychological training for marriage counseling is not standardized. When your marriage is in trouble you don’t have time to play games and experiment. I’m certain you have already experienced the futility of bringing up problems. In most marriages, both partners contribute to the conflict they are experiencing. Again, because there are no universal approaches in their “soft” profession. If you're together for the right reasons, then you'll be able to make it work ("the kids" is not a good reason. When we first spoke, it was clear he didn’t need our TMF system. Would you ask a doctor to operate on you if he told you the chances for success were less than 10%? It should be the happiest part of your life. Your marriage should get better, right from the start, as you recognize the simple “toxic” things you do that undermine your happiness, and stop them. That is what we promise, and our promise is backed up by our guarantee. When I told her how unusual it was, from my experience, for marriage counselors to actually help marriages she said: “Oh, she, (the marriage counselor), wasn’t able to help us stay together, we’re filing for divorce at the end of the week, but we really like her.”. “My cousin went to counseling because her husband cuts the sandwich straight inside of diagonal. You should always try. That’s not for marriage, though. It will only  hurt your marriage even more. And those few who are truly good are hard to find. Any individual who completes their psych training, and obtains a licence, or builds hours under a therapist, can, and often does, offer marriage counseling. Why go there? Marriage is so great because there are immense benefits you cannot find anywhere else in life. Most couples who try traditional couples counseling stagnate, suffer even more, or end their marriage altogether. First – Working on “problems” or “issues” distracts you from learning about and working on the underlying dynamics of your marriage, and that is an absolute requirement to have a happy and fulfilling marriage. Our tutorial, with counseling approach, is the right way for any individual or couple. Those few horrible marriages are due to truly “bad” (as in evil), or incurably insane people. Psychologists’ main role, on the other hand, are for testing for clinical purposes. Anxiety is ruining my marriage, help! If anger in your marriage is poisoning your relationship, you should tackle your weak points and assess whether you are angry at your spouse for their shortcomings or yours. whatever), that got you serious about trying to fix things, might by some people be used as an excuse to give up. Prev. Like with any and all businesses “buyer beware” has to be included in the vetting process. They do not have to be married, or have any ‘true” marriage-specific training. How you communicate your past, or current problems, is never going to be truly accurate because your memory is imperfect. It may sound complex, but it isn’t so difficult when you start to “get it”. The inherent randomness may be reasonable for individual therapy, which is known to be more of an art form than a science, but is immorally destructive for marriages. It happens all the time. It seems logical, I know! But they do not stand up to willful positive actions that are designed specifically to make your marriage work the way its supposed to. Make that your mission, instead of trying to figure out who is “responsible”. They just wanted more clients. There are many excuses marriage counselors have for their failures, instead of admitting they don’t truly understand marriage. Or, when marriage friendly, they will be the cause of your blessings. Their positive claims, made in articles that support marriage counseling, are usually over-stated, and disingenuous. We are talking about “normal” things that most couples deal with such as yelling, criticizing, blaming, shaming and so on. The way a session almost always starts is when the therapist asks a “what’s up” question. Instead of acting married to each other. Most marriages heal quickly. Your marriage problem isn’t. Nearly every reliable source confirms the statistical “success” rate therapists score for “helping” couples rejuvenate their marriage is well under 10%. While before he had hope that the relationship could improve, he was now convinced she had a “disorder” and there was no point in trying anymore as she was the one with the problem, not him. When it comes to the reasons why marriages work, or fail, therapists do not have anything but “educated” guesses; either their’s or someone else’s. The underlying dynamics are like the nourishing soil in which your marriage can grow. Then, because of reactions, and re-reactions on both parts, people end up in all kinds of descending cycles of pain. It could be alignment, tire pressure, or… no matter what the cause is, you would expect a “professional” to know their stuff well enough to tell you. From that one question it is only a matter of time before the overt and subtle accusations start flowing. Even marriage counselors who have good reputations are not usually good at helping marriages. While there are certain events that can push a marriage over the edge (Related: Stuck in a Lousy Marriage), many couples are successfully able to weather a lousy marriage for a long time. Those cycles are the REAL problems! Of course not! While some may claim that it is easy to move on from a cheating episode, it has some lasting impact which can severely damage a marriage. Or, when the underlying dynamics are good. You need to learn about marriage and all the components that together make for a happy and fulfilling marriage. On the other hand, traditional marriage counselors don’t really understand why couples are unhappy in their marriage any more than they understand marriage itself. Every client knew exactly what they needed to do, why, and what they should expect. That’s evil. If you have to be the one who has to heal your marriage by yourself, please read this informative article. Am I advising you do to fire your individual therapist? 1. Yet you wish to instruct me on what you need? 99% of the time its just a matter of knowing what to do to make it work really well. Our overall approach, which addresses all four aspects of marriage (connection, communication, sexual communication and individual psychology) brings you to a realistic path of love and harmony. Other than infidelity, I have observed that therapy is often the cause for one spouse to throw in the towel and give up. In other, less complicated, venues, the approach of finding micro-solutions works just fine. Psychologists and policemen should not change professions just because their professions have a higher than average divorce rate, nor does that statistic tell us how to treat marriage problems, at all; they offer no clues whatsoever about true causes of marital problems (which I can, and do, spell out in specifics). They may use nice words, but the result is always going to be resentment, because none of us want to be corrected. They help create a more positive context for great losses or trauma. Marriage is a living organism Marriage is a “whole society” comprised of only the two of you. Otherwise, all you’re doing if you’re trying to “fix a problem” is sweeping the porch in a dust storm. The most embarrassing excuses for the poor results traditional marriage counseling achieves, ironically come from some of the most highly recognized “experts” in their field. Their treatment regimes (when they have one) are so disparate that even when there is a “marriage help center”, where a number of therapists work seemingly “together”, the differences between each and every therapist are huge. Psychologists are not like medical doctors or licensed plumbers; who have to prove they know what they are doing in order to be licensed. From a sexless marriage to money issues, ... 9 Bad Habits That Could Ruin Your Marriage. If even half of the myriad ideas concocted by Western psychologists about marriage were useful the divorce rate would be much lower than it is today. In my earlier days I was introduced to a wonderful therapist, Paul Hagenburger (unfortunately he passed away too soon). We want your marriage to be the happiest part of your life. Your heart will definitely fail again, later. You might think, from their age and practiced demeanor, that they really understand marriage. Like when your dental hygienist tells you to floss more, or your doctor tells you to use sunscreen. “A few years ago I started seeing an individual therapist…” she begins. My husband’s anger is ruining our marriage… If you are searching for a solution to this situation, take heart. We can assume the wealthy and famous people who make the news when they get a divorce, took the route of traditional marriage counseling. Almost anything that “happened in the past” (from infidelity, to lying, to …. No, I am not referring to bad marriage therapy that often sounds like a screaming match behind closed doors, though that also does its share of damage. Therapists may take it upon themselves to affirm a small, or gargantuan flaw in one spouse or the other; after all, we all have them. Problems within marriages cannot be isolated to a chain of cause and effect. Marriage is superior to anything else in the world, and we knew it when we got married. And, to really drive home the point of them not having a consistent body of knowledge… the rate of divorce among psychologists is higher than average! This involves more than solving issues or changing behavior. We never learned how to be married. But that’s because our world is generally “behind” in understanding marriage. This ‘shift’ is the only thing that brings about results. The underlying dynamics of your marriage have to be learned, and understood. Professionals know whats wrong, can tell you why something broke, fix it, and offer suggestions for better care. The differences between children raised in split homes versus intact homes is not merely conjecture; we have the data (the added burden on kids is gigantic!). MyDomaine's Editorial Guidelines. Rabbi Shlomo Slatkin, MS, LCPC, “The Relationship Rabbi,” is an internationally renowned Imago relationship therapist, author, and lecturer. You need a solid path of specific things to do, that you can do, that will produce specific results. Most problems, when opened up, turn into a can of worms. This may surprise you, because its not commonly known. Such decisions have devastating effects on future generations. Summary: Night Shift Is Ruining My Marriage.How to Stop It Happening. They can only measure and describe what they see on the  surface. Bless you, and I hope you look over our approach and why it is so effective, and change your mind. However, that table is now covered with nasty “stuff”. By not dealing with each other directly, seeking individual help instead, couples shift the focus away from the relationship–where the focus needs to be. Both will try to get the therapist on their side. So, the difference between the psychological profession and hard science professions is that any M.D. His philosophy and approach were effective, and he helped many couples. A business, or government entity, may hire a psychologist to test an applicant’s propensities for stealing and so forth. The worst therapists act as superior judges, explaining to seasoned adults how and what they did was “wrong”. Raising children, whether as single parents, as dual parents or as a co-parenting … I am a psychologist who specializes in marriage rescue for couples facing marital problems. Occasionally, but not often, you might feel “better” because you were able to get your feelings and complaints out on the table. So learning how is important. Unless there is physical abuse or potential threat to one’s life, it is irresponsible for a therapist to encourage divorce without hearing both sides of the story. It means there is a build up of knowledge, and a lot of “testing” of protocols. Of course not. I’ve logged over 25,000 client hours as a Marriage and Family Therapist. So, the first step to take is stop the negative cycles, not bring them up for analysis. Practical simple explanations and approaches such as ours work. If you are seeing an individual therapist for your marriage, the best thing you can do is focus on your personal issues. In fact, a better alternative can save you from a lot more pain and probably save your marriage. M certain you have to deal with, control, your own mind you are already awful. To stake the success of your marriage can grow because I love so many who chose to and... Venting ” phase, when marriage friendly, they will become defensive, and we knew when. Husband cuts the sandwich straight inside of diagonal, any problems ; and, if necessary, find fix! By yourself, please read this informative article and although it ’ s life truly accurate because your is. Every one of us seeks in marriage, available for download at the of... 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