The state or quality of being significant: a matter of some significance. He did not then realize the significance of the burning of Moscow, and looked at the fires with horror. Its appearance has been associated with the invasion of the Israelites or with the establishment of the independent monarchy, but on very inadequate grounds; and since it has been independently placed at the latter part of the monarchy, its historical explanation may presumably be found in that break in the career of Palestine when peoples were changed and new organizations slowly grew up. Nor is there any nautical significance in a passage which occurs in the Chinese encyclopaedia, Poei-wen-yun-fou, in which it is stated that under the Tsin dynasty, or between A.D. From the universal standpoint of history the significance of Nicholas's pontificate lies in the fact that, he put himself at the head of the artistic and literary Renaissance. The "philosophic" declamations perhaps constituted its chief interest for the general public, and its significance as a contribution to democratic propaganda. That these areas had deep significance for the native races is shown by the results, both in biology and culture. Considering that the results of Hellriegel and Wilfarth on this point were, if confirmed, of great significance and importance, it was decided to make experiments at Rothamsted on somewhat similar lines. "In the presence of such facts we can understand the significance of the mission to Georgia. These questions, then as now, existed only for those who see nothing in marriage but the pleasure married people get from one another, that is, only the beginnings of marriage and not its whole significance, which lies in the family. Nieremberg has not the enraptured vision of St Theresa, nor the philosophic significance of Luis de Leon, and the unvarying sweetness of his style is cloying; but he has exaltation, unction, insight, and his book forms no unworthy close to a great literary tradition. From the sense of that which stands between two things, "mean," or the plural "means," often with a singular construction, takes the further significance of agency, instrument, &c., of which that produces some result, hence resources capable of producing a result, particularly the pecuniary or other resources by which a person is enabled to live, and so used either of employment or of property, wealth, &c. There are many adverbial phrases, such as "by all means," "by no means," &c., which are extensions of "means" in the sense of agency. If, however, we abandon intuitional ethics, it is reasonable to argue that the term summum bonum ceases to have any real significance inasmuch as actions are not intrinsically good or bad, while the complete sceptic strives after no systematic ideal. Its full name, not now in use, was Tottenham High Cross, from the cross near the centre of the township. Our estimate of the extent of Pamir conformation depends much on the significance of the word Pamir. Though Jesus was rich, He came poor for sinners, so that through … 3- These coat colors carried vastly different cultural significance. Date: May 8, 2020. 3. Now for the moralists chiliasm had a special significance as the one distinguishing feature of the gospel, and the only thing that gave a specifically Christian character to their system. SPECIES, a term, in its general and once familiar significance, applied indiscriminately to animate and inanimate objects and to abstract conceptions or ideas, as denoting a particular phase, or sort, in which anything might appear. Old-Testament prophecy therefore forms only one stage in a larger development, and its true significance and value can only be realized when it is looked at in this light. In spite of legendary accretions we can still discern the true outlines and significance of his life. Filter. More personal than Ouranos and Helios - with whom he has only slight associations - he was worshipped and invoked as the deity of the bright day ('Apapcos, 'Aevea70s, AvKa70s), who sends the rain, the wind and dew ("Op(3pcos, Naios, `Tetcos, Oupcos, EMIÆpos, 'IK,uaZos), and such a primitive adjective as Sc17rET7)3, applied to things " that fall from heaven," attests the primeval significance of the name of Zeus. It was at this moment that the controversy between Luther and Zwingli took on a deeper significance. At the same time the groups based upon the integuments are of much the same extent as the Polypetalae and Gamopetalae of other systems. By using the term instinctive in both its strict and its wider significance, Wasmann includes under it the whole range of animal behaviour. At the same time, the significance which the word " viking " has had in our language is due in part to a false etymology, connecting the word with " king "; the effect of which still remains in the customary pronunciation vi-king instead of vik-ing, now so much embedded in the language that it is a pedantry to try and change it. This slight work of a Macedonian freedman, destitute of national significance and representative in its morality only of the spirit of cosmopolitan individualism, owes its vogue to its easy Latinity and popular subject-matter. In print or writing, a sentence typically begins with a capital letter and ends with appropriate punctuation; in speech it displays recognizable, communicative intonation patterns and is often marked by preceding and following pauses. We write;L 22 = a 1 a 2 .b 1 n-2 b2s 3 n - 3 3 n-3 3 n-3 3 a 3 = a 1 a 2 .b 1 b 2 .c 1 c2, and so on whenever we require to represent a product of real coefficients symbolically; we then have a one-to-one correspondence between the products of real coefficients and their symbolic forms. The angel explained the significance of Jesus in the manger as a sign to the shepherds that good news has come for them and all people. 2- The economic significance is potentially very large. Not yet had Napoleon grasped the full significance of the allied movements, for the decisive flank had not yet become clear. 4- So odor experiences are quickly conferred with emotional significance. But he did more than interpret to his age the significance of man's ultimate theistic beliefs, he gave them vitality by reading them through the consciousness of Jesus Christ. Avec un nom féminin, l'adjectif s'accorde. In 1781 he writes," I cannot but observe that these were the first rudiments of the Methodist societies. or Is John here? If something in the body sentences does not support your paragraph, it needs to go somewhere else in the article—probably in a new paragraph. The opposite school maintained then, as they have always done, 1 It wiII be noted that Clerk Maxwell's " atom " and " atomic theory " have the significance which we now attach to " molecule " and " molecular theory.". The first mode of occurrence is of little significance practically, for the crystalline rocks generally contain too little phosphate to be valuable, though occasionally an igneous rock may contain enough apatite to form an inferior fertilizing agent, e.g. Though Scotland is a country of great estates, this circumstance possesses less significance from the agricultural than from the historical standpoint. 377. significance tests in a sentence - Use "significance tests" in a sentence 1. Augustus in 22 placed the direction of all the popular festivals in the hands of the praetors, and it is not without significance that the praetors continued thus to minister to the pleasures of the Roman mob for centuries after they had ceased almost entirely to transact the business of the state. significance. The significance of all that we can learn as to the history of the composition of Mark's Gospel is clearly enhanced by this consideration. Definition of Significance worthy or valuable in a certain way Examples of Significance in a sentence Timothy didn’t know the significance of the pocket watch his father gave him when he was a teenager until he found out later that it had been passed down for many generations. A compound-complex sentence contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Synonym Discussion of significance. Meanwhile, the primitive meal is always more or less of a sacrament, and there are many food-taboos, the significance of which is, however, not so much that certain foods are unclean and poisonous as that they are of special virtue and must be partaken of solemnly and with circumspection. At first (in the Toth and 11th centuries) it had no defined significance, and even a baron of the higher nobility called himself in charters duke, count or even marquis, indifferently. He knew that none of the words now uttered by Napoleon had any significance, and that Napoleon himself would be ashamed of them when he came to his senses. It appears no longer as the object of a special cult, but limited to the homage of certain sects, expressed by superstitious rites of obscure significance. The conclusions of such a work are of wider significance than the assumptions we attribute to the author would warrant. In the post-exilic period the historical meaning of the passage was forgotten, and a new significance was given to it in accordance with the gradually developing eschatological doctrine. SIGNIFICANCE OF UNDECIDABLE SENTENCES 491 way, instead of accepting sentences as true on the basis of voluntary decision, prefers to do away with the concept of truth altogether, and to restrict himself to the assignment of mere probabilities to sen-tences. types of glands also exist, either in connection with the epidermis or not, such as nectaries, digestive glands, oil, resin and mucilage glands, &c. They serve the most various purposes in the life of the plant, but they are not of significance in relation to the primary vital activities, and cannot be dealt with in the limits of the present article.l The typical epidermis of the shoot of a land plant does not absorb water, but some plants living in situations where they cannot depend on a regular supply from the roots (e.g. A sentence is a group of words that are put together to mean something. 81. The new work largely centred round a discussion of the nature and origin of vessels, conspicuous features in young plant tissues which thus acquired an importance in the contemporary literature out of proportion to their real significance in the construction of the vascular plant. These Napoleonic countships, increased under subsequent reigns, have produced a plentiful crop of titles of little social significance, and have tended to lower the status of the counts deriving from the ancien regime. It had to hold some great significance to her. En général, on ajoute un "e" à l'adjectif. It also refers to the meaning of something. If your topic sentence is the “what” of your paragraph, the body sentences are the “whys.” In Italy, where titles of nobility give no precedence at court, that of duke (duca) has lost nearly all even of its social significance owing to lavish creations by the popes and minor sovereigns, and to the fact that the title often passes by purchase with a particular estate. 6 More significance attaches to the view that the epistle is made up of two separate notes, written to Philippi at different times. The fact that certain .teaching is associated with a name may have no real significance for its antiquity, even as a law ascribed to the age of Moses - the recognized law-givermay prove to be of much earlier or of much later inception. The significance of the term depends upon the character of the ethical system in which it occurs. Nevertheless the Seljukian dominion was petty and unimportant and did not rise to significance till his son and successor, Kilij Arslan II., had subdued the Danishmands and appropriated their possessions, though he thereby risked the wrath of the powerful atabeg of Syria, Nureddin, and afterwards that of Saladin. It is evident that no permanent classification is possible of what is or is not of economic significance. This study’s findings will redound to society’s benefit, considering that Mathematics plays a vital role in science and technology today. 2 On the other hand, the Roman ordines of the 8th and 9th centuries make no mention of the mitre; the evidence goes to prove that this liturgical head-dress was first adopted by the popes some time in the 10th century; and Father Braun shows convincingly that it was in its origin nothing else than the papal regnum or phrygium which, originally worn only at outdoor processions and the like, was introduced into the church, and thus developed into the liturgical mitre, while outside it preserved its original significance as the papal 1 Father Braun, S. No such significance could attach to the grant of the usus mitrae (under somewhat narrow restrictions as to where and when) to cathedral dignitaries. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Significant" in Example Sentences Page 1. He definitely established the absorptive power of clear aqueous vapour - a point of great meteorological significance. The position of the embryo in relation to the endosperm varies, sometimes it is internal, sometimes external, but the significance of this has not yet been established. In this thinker, who was his senior by five years, Goethe found the master he sought; Herder taught him the significance of Gothic architecture, revealed to him the charm of nature's simplicity, and inspired him with enthusiasm for Shakespeare and the Volkslied. (2) Pneumonic plague was observed and described in many of the old epidemics, and particularly by two medical men, Dr Gilder and Dr Whyte, in the outbreak in Kathiawar in 1816; but its precise significance was first recognized by Childe in Bombay. 1- This grand settlement had important historical significance. - General conceptions with regard to the relations of living things (especially animals) to the universe, to man, and to the Creator, their origin and significance: exemplified in the writings of the philosophers of classical antiquity, and of Linnaeus, Goethe, Lamarck, Cuvier, Lyell, H. We now arrive at the period when the doctrine of organic evolution was established by Darwin, and when naturalists, being convinced by him as they had not been by the transmutationists of fifty years' earlier date, were compelled to take an entirely new view of the significance of all attempts at framing a " natural " classification. There is, however, no certain evidence that the Israelites in historical times had any consciousness of the primitive significance of the name. Use ‘significance’ in a sentence | ‘significance’ example sentences . of primary significance. Even this function is losing its significance. The ties which united Lot (the "father" of Ammon and Moab), Ishmael, Midian and Edom (Esau) with the southern tribes Judah and Simeon, as manifested in the genealogical lists, are intelligible enough on geographical grounds alone, and the significance of this for the history of Judah and Palestine cannot be ignored. What, for a conscious experience so constituted as Hume will admit, is the precise significance of such belief in real existence ? At 99 % significance level, the critical value is 15.086. The Tertiary zone of the northern border is of especial significance and is remarkable for its extent and uniformity. It is in fact in these cases, like " heterodoxy," a term of purely negative significance, and its intellectual value is of the slightest. The other issue is perhaps of more significance. Ambrosii ad Nemus, had anything more than a very local significance. The state or quality of being significant: a matter of some significance. There was a gild merchant and also a town bailiff, but the latter office was of little real significance and was soon dropped. All these movements are logic of the present, and a very brief indication may be added of points of historical significance. 2. Example sentences with the word meaning. In Phoenicia, a similar significance was enjoyed by the shrine of Astarte, on the richly-watered source of the river Adonis, till, as late as the 4th century after Christ, it was destroyed by Constantine the Great. The new name nabhi' became necessary to express this function of more exalted significance, in which human personality played its larger role. And so too with the following great prophets; the important thing in their work was not their moral earnestness and not their specific predictions of future events, but the clearness of spiritual insight with which they read the spiritual significance of the signs of the time and interpreted the movements of history as proofs of Yahweh's actual moral sovereignty exercised over Israel. The quotations serve to bring out the significance of important events, especially such as were turningpoints, and also to mark the broad features of Christ's life and work, iv. 2. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Significant" in Example Sentences Page 1. Long sentences Long sentences can be used to emphasize the extent of something. From the first, however, it had a military significance, and its usual Latin translation was miles, although minister was often used. are not only absolutely sincere, but so outspoken that we cannot fail to catch their significance. ‘The legal significance of the events which I recited is, in our submission, a matter of law.’ ‘Old words were being given new significance, and new words were being coined to meet new demands.’ ‘This saying alerts the reader to the deeper significance of the events which are about to be narrated.’ The results will enable the dean to improve the scheduling of RLE and different academic subjects. There has been much controversy among historians with regard both to the facts and to the significance of Leisler's brief career as ruler in New York. Never to the end of his life could he understand goodness, beauty, or truth, or the significance of his actions which were too contrary to goodness and truth, too remote from everything human, for him ever to be able to grasp their meaning. the fact that, in spite of its striking character, it is omitted by the Synoptists, and (ii.) The body sentences (or supporting sentences) reinforce the topic sentence by fleshing out the details. Some modern critics have accepted this disclaimer as of real value, but in fact it has no significance; and Hume himself in a striking letter to Gilbert Elliott indicated the true relation of the two works. Significance means having the quality of being "significant" — meaningful, important. The significance of this act can only be realized when one recalls the tendencies toward the formation of national churches, which had been so powerful under the Merovingians. Existing classifications, however, do not take account of any difference in kind between mountain and hills, although it is common in the German language to speak of Hiigelland, Mittelgebirge and Hochgebirge with a definite significance. The richest known source is thorianite, which consists mainly of thorium oxide, and contains 9.5 cc. Berkeley thus diverted philosophy from its beaten track of discussion as to the meaning of matter, substance, cause, and preferred to ask first whether these have any significance apart from the conscious spirit. This view necessitates a complete revision of classical logic and the creation of what Reichenbach calls "probability logic.") But meantime the relation of God to the prophet had acquired an independent significance; the inner life of Isaiah during the long years when his teaching seemed. Whether Xenophanes was a monotheist, whose assertion of the unity of God suggested to Parmenides the doctrine of the unity of Being, or a pantheist, whose assertion of the unity of God was also a declaration of the unity of Being, so that he anticipated Parmenides - in other words, whether Xenophanes's teaching was purely theological or had also a philosophical significance - is a question about which authorities have differed and will probably continue to differ. The difference made by substituting the wand or branch of laurel for the lyre of the Homeric singer is a slighter one, though not without significance. The difficulty of determining in any case the exact significance of the title of a German count, illustrated by the above, is increased by the fact that the title is generally heritable by all male descendants, the only exception being in Prussia, where, since 1840, the rule of primogeniture has prevailed and the bestowal of the title is dependent on a rent-roll of £3000 a year. In this lay the European significance of the Laibach conference, of which the activities had been mainly confined to Italy. 13.2 The significance of this fragment in our author's use of it is similar to that of xi. He imparted to the title a grander significance out of the riches of his personality. I wonder what the significance of the snake is on the Mexican flag. The shades which distinguish these three forms are not without significance, but they in no way detract from the contractual character of concordats. It is possible that they reached Australia) - more than sixty years before the .first voyage thither of which there is any clear record; but their cruise had no political significance, and the Spaniards and Portuguese remained without European competitors until the appearance of Sir Francis Drake in 1579. Thus his significance in intellectual history remains that of a great stimulator. Use ‘significance’ in a sentence | ‘significance’ example sentences . The above are the important alterations, among numerous others of minor significance, introduced into the Prayer Book in 1662. At this point Sparta was roused to a sense of the significance of the new confederacy, and the Athenian corn supply was threatened by a Spartan fleet of sixty triremes. What does significance expression mean? Sentences with Significant, Significant in a Sentence and Meaning When using the English language, we use many kinds of sentences to express ourselves well in everyday life. A complete sentence has at least a subject and a main verb to state (declare) a complete thought. In more modern usage in the Roman Catholic Church prelates, properly so-called, are those who have jurisdiction in foro externo, but a liberal interpretation has given the title a more general significance. Between 1586 and 1603 Sir Walter made successive efforts to settle a colony in the wide territory called Virginia, in honour of Queen Elizabeth, a name of much wider significance then than in later days. CK 1 1096503 Do you think that's significant? He awakened curiosity and roused a public sympathy with letters; nor was it without significance that two of the greatest Swedes of the century, Gustavus Adolphus and the poet Stjernhjelm, were his pupils. After the god Osiris became king of Egypt, his brother Seth took the form of a monster and killed him out of jealousy. corona) at first had no regal significance. n. 1. The strange contrast between the succession of dynasties and kings cut off by assassination in the northern kingdom, ending in the tragic overthrow of 721 B.C., and the persistent succession through three centuries of the seed of David on the throne of Jerusalem, as well as the marvellous escape of Jerusalem in 701 B.C. It is necessary in the first place to make quite certain that the right deity is being addressed: hence it is well to invoke all the spirits who might be concerned, and even to add a general formula to cover omissions: here we have the ritual significance of the indigitamenta. Hamilton was led to his great invention by keeping geometrical applications constantly before him while he endeavoured to give a real significance to .,I - i. p is a rotor and coo- a vector), is called a motor, and has the geometrical significance of Ball's wrench upon, or twist about, a screw. Significance definition is - something that is conveyed as a meaning often obscurely or indirectly. Woodburn, "The Historical Significance of the Missouri Compromise" in the Annual Report of the American Historical Association for 1893 (Washington, D.C.); Dixon, History of the Missouri Compromise (Cincinnati, 1899); Schouler's and McMaster's Histories of the United States. Since these combinations have often been as illogical as facile, "eclecticism" has generally acquired a somewhat contemptuous significance. In common with other sciences, economics makes use of " abstractions"; but if for some problems we employ symbolic processes of reasoning, we must keep clearly in view the limits of their significance, and neither endow the symbols with attributes they can never possess, nor lose sight of the realities behind them. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage. The significance of glycogen in large amounts, or of its absence from the tissues in pathological conditions, is not clearly understood. Certain areas still bear the name of forest where there is now none; the term here possesses an historical significance, in many cases indicating former royal gamepreserves. A: Because it is continuing the sentence from “Nor”. Only then, expressing known historic facts by equations and comparing the relative significance of this factor, can we hope to define the unknown. The Stoical categories, too, have an historical significance. He had already made himself known by critical studies on the history of the middle ages, of which the most important was his Geschichte des ersten Kreuzzuges (Dusseldorf, 1841; new ed., Leipzig, 1881), a work which, besides its merit as a valuable piece of historical investigation, according to the critical methods which he had learnt from Ranke, was also of some significance as a protest against the vaguely enthusiastic attitude towards the middle ages encouraged by the Romantic school. His great object was doubtless to gain supreme power and to keep it by any means, and by any betrayal that the circumstances demanded; and it is not without significance perhaps that on the very day of Oxford's dismissal he gave a dinner to the Whig leaders, and on the day preceding the queen's death ordered overtures to be made to the elector.5 On the accession of George I. - The… Such marks had often a religious significance, and denoted that the bearer was a follower of a particular deity. Kant puts together, as belonging to " Rational Theology," three arguments - he is critic of fond of triads, though they have not the significance for him which they came to have for Hegel. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. There is perhaps room for doubt as to the precise significance of the words used; but the fact that Ptolemy classes Sirius with Antares, Aldebaran, Arcturus, Betelgeux and Procyon as " fiery red " (inrorceppoc) as compared with all the other bright stars which are " yellow " (;av©oc) seems almost conclusive that Sirius was then a redstar. In considering what is the real significance of the great difference apparent in Table I. Instead, he attempted to balance party against party, selected representatives of opposing political views to serve in his first cabinet, and sought in that way to neutralize the effects of parties. Some resemblances of expression in Clement of Rome and in Second Clement may have significance. With the exception of a pamphlet, La Significance de la Guerre (1915), nothing more appeared until L'Energie Spirituelle (1919), with Eng. Grammatical meaning is the meaning conveyed in a sentence by word order and other grammatical signals. 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