For example, if you are importing data from an Excel worksheet, click Excel. This property sets how the data is displayed. In most cases, this involves one or both of the following: Entering, pasting, or importing data into the table that is created when you create a new database, and then repeating the process with new tables that you create by using the Table command on the Create tab. (next to the File Name box), browse to the new location, and then click OK. Access creates the database with an empty table named Table1, and then opens Table1 in Datasheet view. The following table describes some of the field properties that are commonly adjusted. CAN YOU PLEASE HELP US. This article covers the basic process of starting Access and creating a database that will be used on desktop machines, not over the Web. When you create a new database, Access starts you out with a new table named Table1, although you can choose a more distinctive name when you decide to save it. Sir i need to see all the tables that are created in the said application or Sir if you have time please email me at my email address. Access automatically creates a new Access database in the same folder as the data file, and adds links to each table in the external database. If your data is in a word processing program, it is best to separate the columns of data by using tabs, or to convert the data into a table in the word processing program before you copy the data. Other users can still read and write to the database. This is a good option if you have very specific design requirements or have existing data that you need to accommodate or incorporate. We decided to do program for school. You can download additional templates from Use a template to create an Access desktop database. To rename a column (field), double-click the column heading, and then type the new name. why you don't have time for this kind of stuff ? I am still planning on finishing the tutorial on this. Tools -> References … 2. Access automatically sets each field's data type, based on the data that you enter. Thanking you, No matter how you create a database, you will likely need to customize it for the type of data you want to store. If you want, you can type a description for each field in the Description column. On the Create tab, in the Tables group, click Table. 4. When the Database dialog appears, click Tables in the Objects list and click Create table in Design view. [CDATA[// >