Dealing with conflict-stacked situations are among the biggest challenges to effective facilitation. members. Keep in mind the desired outcomes so you can design a suitable process. Thank you. We recommend 8-15 clients per group with an ideal size for juveniles of about 10-12. The lead and co-facilitator should have similar knowledge and training to shelter staff, as well as skills in management of group process. There are several factors to consider when planning a workshop agenda: In most cases, it is necessary to inform the client about the process that you are planning, and, in general, to maintain steady communication to make sure that all preparations go smoothly. Group AppropriatenessThe group is a natural setting for adolescents. Different points of view naturally emerge in a discussion. These group therapy stages are essential parts of a chemical dependency recovery program. Being prepared means you will confidently be able to handle unforeseen situations and adjust the pre-planned process more easily as necessary. Great and comprehensive article! Bravo. This helps folks get acquainted and … However, there are a few ways you can accelerate your learning in the realm of facilitation: At the end of the day, facilitation is more of an art than a science. “Staying neutral on content while being an expert on process.”. 0000001551 00000 n And that’s alright. When you know the outcomes you want to achieve, it is time to find the right process for that. Get all individuals in the room to feel like they are in a group with a shared interest. Also, basic verbal tools, such as paraphrasing, referring back and summarising help a lot to show the group that their thoughts are being heard. Structure conversations and apply appropriate. Anthea trained at the Institute for Arts and Therapy in Education (IATE) where she also worked since 2010 as a group process facilitators and trainer. These definitions bring us closer to understanding what a facilitator does and what facilitation is, but let’s dig in more into what the actual role of a facilitator is and how group facilitation skills can help teams be more productive. This is the natural credo for a facilitator. It is important to work on facilitation skills that will help you become more effective as a facilitator, whether you are working with teams internally or externally. This also offers a chance to get further insights about the goals and the group, helping you to come up with the right session design. Hi, Robert! Thus, we can distill our definition further into: “Facilitation is the art of leading people through processes towards agreed-upon objectives in a manner that encourages participation, ownership and creativity by all those involved”. While you designed the agenda for your session, you probably clearly envisioned how group members will act during the facilitation activities you planned. Oct 4, 2016 - When I first started facilitating process groups with adolescents I knew I needed to create activities to engage their attention. The more you do it, the more sophisticated your skills will become! You’re welcome, Idirssa! One of the most important things you can do as a facilitator is to create an atmosphere that encourages participation. The process serves as a reset button to tune in on what’s working and facilitate an open dialogue. 0000199237 00000 n How does Group Therapy work? Over hundreds of hours of meeting facilitation, you will encounter a myriad of different situations in group dynamics: heated debates, opinionated participants, power dynamics between people, etc. • Participatory Planning Process Hi Mr. Robert, Superb article, it is simply awesome, If possible please help me with this I love your site. They are taught in groups, live in groups, and often play in groups. Co-facilitating in peer-to-peer learning . There are two primary types of goals in group therapy: • Process goals • Outcome goals May we use it for our Facilitation class this Spring at the University of Oregon? Secondly, use some energiser activities to instill energy in the room when the energy level is lower than it should be for productive work. 0000185037 00000 n Think of group therapy grounding exercises as the foundation to restoring a positive group environment. 0000005817 00000 n Awesome – happy to hear that it helped! I was the OT on a locked inpatient mental health unit as well. Group therapy is considered to be a successful intervention treatment for child and adolescent populations (Hoag & Burlingame, 1997; Johnson et al., 1998; White, 2000). GROUP FACILITATION To make the process – the movement – of group interactions and efforts easy, convenient and productive TASK GROUP Any group of people who come together for the purpose of Being an effective facilitator in today’s climate means being comfortable with online facilitation and helping groups be effective while being distributed. That’s great to hear, Jeanne! Be Specific. Conflict-ridden topics will stir up emotions in participants, and arguments are a natural part of a discussion; however, not all people get heat equally. It is perhaps a corollary of this that I have gradually developed a great deal of trust in the group process. Often, there are underlying conflicts behind disagreements taking place in a conversation. You might also encounter “difficult participants”. The group dynamic … Facilitating groups is a big part of social work, you either love them or hate them. The inherent propensity of children and adolescents towards socialising After all, one cannot bring an external neutral facilitator for every single meeting in the world. Great article. The “social learning” process takes time, but enables the stakeholders to a) become empowered to influence the outcome, and b) more able to contribute well-informed opinions or ideas. I will come back to read more and inform my coworkers about your site. Leader (1991) states that group therapy for teens provides the therapeuti… What is group therapy used for? <<7887C724310CD14799B30D21911DDE90>]/Prev 337568>> Form small groups and have each of them work on a puzzle. You’re more than welcome, Hawa – great to see you’ve found some useful nuggets of insight here! The article is very educative and will go a long way in helping my work. After a grounding exercise, you may want to do a short debriefing session if you feel your participants aren’t focused enough. So, if there are any change in the desired outcomes, they should be agreed upon by the group. Holding the end of the string, the patient throws the ball to another group member while saying a positive comment about that person, and so … One of these is violent, threatening, or otherwise intimidating behavior. Chances are you have. (An efficient training program should actually be designed to have a balanced interaction). This is undoubtedly similar to the trust |I came to have in the process of therapy in the individual, when the process was facilitated rather than directed. Effective facilitation is predicated on clarity. After proper preparation, the most exciting part of a facilitator’s work is actually running and managing the session and guiding people through the process. I’m glad to hear that you’ve found it useful , wonderful article, i have understood the accountability, transparency and its systematic ideology of knowing a facilitator owes and often it encourages in orgonisations…, Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Chance, great to see that the article inspired some further reflections . This can be where your group facilitation skills can be tested if you haven’t carefully constructed a process for your workshop or meeting. 0000114954 00000 n In many ways, the best facilitation training is being on the job as a facilitator. I have been a practitioner for over 30 years and have learnt these skills the hard way . Meaning, make sure everyone can see each other and remove barriers from the room. We are considering having HR professionals receive training on how to facilitate meetings as part of our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program, so they can effectively facilitate topics that may generate a lot of passion with differing points of view. The procedures associated with the following techniques are described more fully later on in this document. I just came back from facilitating a 4-day workshop in Shanghai, and used a lot of the group process skills you taught us back in WV. Facilitation skills for preparing a meeting, Facilitation skills for running a meeting. Group therapy for teens is an ideal choice, as social interaction is a key aspect of the developmental process, and as suggested by Bandura (1989) most social learning takes place by observing others and the results of their actions. In our ongoing series, find methods for your needs curated from the SessionLab library. As a facilitator, you are helping the group think. 0000200973 00000 n 0000007677 00000 n Groups may be open or closed. I often try to find an introduction activity that leads to further … 0000004355 00000 n I was looking for thoughts on this topic last Thursday. In an open group, members may join at any time, while a closed group has a set start and end … As a starting base, Foundations facilitators are expected to possess relevant professional knowledge and skills in working with men sexually abused in childhood (typically tertiary level qualifications in psychology, social work or counselling). Aim of Project To develop the requisite skills that will enable the student to plan and facilitate a therapeutic group process either as a once off group, or series of interconnected groups in their current clinical setting. Thank you! CBT à la Yalom. Active listening is one of your best group facilitation skills and it is often the foundation for a productive discussion. Group-based approaches to pain management are common. We also ask members to give a 3 week notice when they decide to leave a group. Remember that facilitation is the art of making a process simpler or easier. Development. Applications of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Therapy (CBGT) Kevin J. Drab, M.A., M.Ed., LPC, NBCCH, CACD, EMDRT Behavioral Counseling & Training, 418 Stump Road,… Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. For instance, if you choose to use simple dot-voting as the technique to come up with a set of the most preferred ideas after an idea generation activity, then everybody should be made aware why only those most popular ideas will be considered further. You will need practice to master the skills of picking up on the atmosphere, measuring the emotional temperature, and helping the group achieve its potential. In other cases, you might need to do this alone step-by-step, checking that everything is going fine with the logistics and pulling the right strings when something is needed. You are more than welcome, Joseph – glad to see you’ve found it practical! 3. Group therapy tends to be most beneficial for those who are working through issues that affect many people. 0000003768 00000 n Help people collectively move through a process. Invaluable! Let’s see what facilitation skills a facilitator needs here: Participation from all group members is essential for a well-facilitated meeting. So get to know each other and do what it takes to build healthy authentic relationships where honest and compassionate feedback is welcomed and differences are worked through in healthy ways. Facilitators simply maintain the environment and facilitate the process. I would need to use some schemes in order to show you the logic proposed when designing different planning/problem solving processes. 0000246449 00000 n Psychoeducational Groups combines lecture, discussion, demonstration, and experiential learning pertaining to facilitating effective psychoeducational groups as opposed to therapy groups. The a-ha for me is not just in the integrated use of the various activities, but more with getting a feel of moving in the spirit of improv! Here are my top tips to support your first steps in creating your own successful therapy group. Appreciate the effort behind this. arranging post-it notes, sketches, etc. Try to make explicit when you are wearing your ‘facilitator hat’ and when you are using your ‘participant/content-expert hat’. I’ve watched way to many City planning processes go nowhere (or blow up) because a) the City staff hired a “neutral facilitator” who wasn’t neutral to begin with and whose professional obligation is to the City Planning Director; and b) the facilitator couldn’t provide productive meeting processes because she had no clue how comments were related, relevant or within reasonable sideboards. 0000010943 00000 n (For example, pre-write instructions on a flipchart paper or on a powerpoint slide. The a-ha for me is not just in the integrated use of the various activities, but more with getting a feel of moving in the spirit of improv! Getting the room properly set up for a meeting is important. To startxref If you’re looking to improve your facilitation or learn more about particular processes, we have you covered with a host of additional resources! It is important to avoid overly assertive or controlling behavior in a group therapy session, but there are other important factors that must absolutely be kept out of the setting. defined groups of people in particular mental health settings; and to develop and practice group facilitation skills. 0 Introduce the purpose of the discussion and ensure that the participants have the same understanding. You might go further during needs assessment to understand what the different stakeholders of an event might want in order to come up with a solution that meets your client’s needs. Also, even in an interactive, well-facilitated training session, you will spend a significant proportion of time presenting concepts, as you need to provide certain theories and information to deliver the core content of your training. You can make sure to design sessions with varying group activities to keep people engaged, and give regular breaks every 90-120 minutes at least. You’re welcome, Chandan, awesome to see that you liked the post! I’m really glad that you’ve found the article useful! Do you provide training to organizations on how to facilitate meetings? If possible, show an example of the type of output you ask them to create. A common structure for group facilitation discussions is to apply. 0000003203 00000 n Thank, you Sindhuja, great to hear that you’ve found the guide useful. Your article is amazing! What is the minimum and maximum number of clients who should participate in a group? You’re welcome, Judith – great to see you’fe found it useful! This will be my go to as a guide. Group Dynamics and Process: Psychoeducational and Inpatient Groups Thomas Field. But what does it mean to “find the right process’? The process of change… Pacing – aka working to quota, activity scheduling, chunking, time contingent activity, timetabling; Search for: Facilitating a group. May i share it with my team of business leaders as we are asking them to become our internal trainers. Thank you. ; Explain the organization and structure (including the time line) of the discussion, when it will end, and whether or not there are formal follow-up plans. Missing a vital piece of equipment can be frustrating or stressful and make group facilitation more difficult. This is especially true in effective and productive organizational cultures. made by participants), or written records (i.e. The education and business fields are going crazy over it, books are written about it, and service designers, creative agencies, career coaches, trainers and facilitators are using it.…, ©2018 TrainedOn OÜ Paying attention to the dynamics of the group and how individuals participate is important to any group facilitation scenario. It can prevent the need to cancel a group should the facilitator need to be absent for unexpected reasons. And join 70,000+ professionals already using SessionLab. Now that you are in the room with the group, you also need to clearly explain what you are asking from them. A good process Facilitator can; Design and develop process(es) to use in a workshop/meeting environment Support, guide and ‘orchestrate’ the group using structured tools, techniques, methods and appropriate interventions to enable the group to achieve the stated purpose and outcomes This has been so useful to me. Interaction based on similar experiences is just one way in which group therapy differs from couples therapy. Before starting a telehealth group, psychologists should refer to the APA Ethics Code and to the APA Practice Guidelines for Telepsychology. 0000000016 00000 n roups structured as “Professionally-Facilitated” are usually 0000056332 00000 n Workshop design and facilitation made easy – get started for free! Let’s review which skills are required for a facilitator to perform effectively in each step of the process: The general rule of thumb says that preparing a group process / group facilitation usually takes twice as much as the actual net meeting time where the facilitation takes place. Do you sometimes feel that the good old pen and paper or the MS Office toolkit combined with email leaves you struggling to stay on top of managing your workshop preparations and delivery? Common Techniques In fact, the terms trainer and facilitator are often used interchangeably despite some major differences between the two roles. Facilitators also stimulate discussions designed to The Planning Process Stages logical sequence can be designed in different ways, depending on the context, the time available, and the complexity of the problems to be addressed. In process groups, 5-10 individuals meet face to face to share their struggles and concerns with 1-2 trained group therapists. The process of sharing personal information with the group and learning from others’ stories is the foundation of a successful group therapy session. Loading... Unsubscribe from Thomas Field? Group therapy is … In other words, this is called creating a transparent process. Be Specific. In general, effective facilitation assumes efficient timekeeping, with only well-grounded exceptions for going overtime in discussions. We have collected below the most important skills that a facilitator needs, divided into two parts of the facilitation process. process-oriented relationships within a group. Group therapy provides a unique and important way for clients to learn about themselves and their relationships, to gain confidence, develop new skills and abilities, and to give and receive support and feedback from others. This new publication describes the process and outcomes of occupational therapy, and it is hoped that it will provide useful guidance for all working within and in partnership with occupational therapy, both today and for some years to come. For all of these, empathy is one of your most essential facilitation skills. Multiple therapists may be involved in the session as well. Then you might be well-founded in using the term ‘facilitating a training,’ bridging the worlds of training and facilitation. This includes taking appropriate action in response to the status of the group and its members. Remember that a facilitator needs to prioritize and have realistic expectations of the group. You’re welcome, Anna, great to hear you’ve found it interesting! Helping promote the decision-making process while facilitating client potential. It’s probably needless to say, the best way to get better at facilitation is to practice, practice, practice! 0000002572 00000 n Required fields are marked *. Usually, activities and discussions end up taking more time than initially planned: the group might need more breaks; new agenda items may pop up; and so on. Nonetheless, I believe that as long as the role of a facilitator is to lead/guide a group through a process to help achieve what the want, the skills and approaches above are valid for both context). Remember, the group has a goal, and individual differences will need to be handled to achieve that. Find out how the 4 key stages of group therapy work together for effective results. Consensus, in this context, does not mean that everyone must agree with the final decision but that everyone gets an opportunity to share their opinion with the group, and that people are aware of the reasons why a particular decision was made. i now have deep knowledge on facilitation i will be using most of ideas in engaging my staffs. Group facilitation is a process in which a person whose selection is acceptable to all members of the group, who is substantively neutral, and who has no substantive decision-making authority diagnoses and intervenes to help a group improve how it identifies and solves problems and makes decisions, to increase the group’s effectiveness. – Are there some other skills that a facilitator must have for running online workshops effectively (to be added to the list). This helps to build a sense of team work. If you research it a bit more, you will see that keywords are centered around leading processes and creating participation while staying neutral. It is a social therapy that gives people the chance to interact with others who can relate to what they are going through. My thanks for sharing such a good post. This can be easy to overlook but ensuring you get this right is part of facilitation best practices. writing up conclusions). Group psychotherapy in prison: Facilitating change inside the walls. Most of the time your client will have a natural interest in knowing the process and agenda for your meeting. • Group Communication process However, there are situations when a facilitator does have a natural interest in the content. Good communication at all levels is absolutely integral for a facilitator and anyone involved in group facilitation. Group facilitation where the wrong questions are asked can lead to frustration or wasted time. There are a myriad of minor tasks and to-dos on the logistic side of preparing a workshop. As teams and organizations begin to transition to working online, the need for…, Are you facilitating workshops, meetings, or training sessions regularly? However, you still need to keep in mind that the group has its own goals, and one person hijacking all the attention is a dangerous track. 235 0 obj <>stream break the ice and allow people to get to know each other, Get started with a template designed by expert facilitators, The Ultimate Train-the-Trainer Design Guide, Top 10 Free Online Resources for Workshop Activities (2020). Your email address will not be published. Recording key takeaways of a conversation is essential for keeping group progress on track and avoiding circling back to the same topics. I trust the group, given a reasonably facilitating climate, to develop its own potential and the potential of its members. Group therapy can help people in several ways: Being able to interact with other people who are learning how to cope with and overcome a drug or alcohol addiction can be quite helpful for those who are beginning the process. 0000005948 00000 n In addition, neither the staff nor the facilitator had any understanding of the importance of “social learning” so very little exchange occurred. A facilitator can be perceived as: Ideally, a facilitator should maintain a position of joining the discussion as a neutral party. In looking at the list of ethical considerations in Groups in action: Evolution and challenges (Corey et al., 2014), there were many that applied to both types of therapy in one way or another. Have you done any facilitation work in the teaching /academic context? My experience is that facilitating when there’s a team with a well-understood, shared culture and goals is one thing, facilitating an ad hoc group of (e.g., citizens) on an issue, such as zoning requirements, is different. Rather, facilitation work is done in service to the group and the group dialogue and process. 0000008353 00000 n Group telehealth requires competency in two areas — group therapy and telepsychology. On the other hand, meetings are also a frequent source of frustration and many people simply prefer to avoid meetings to protect their productive working hours. 0000002385 00000 n Great to see you’ve found it useful, Danie! Helping improve the client’s ability to both establish and maintain relationships. Anthea continues to run groups in a range of organisations and has a private practice working with individuals, couples, groups and supervisees. The Facilitator helps group members communicate effectively by overcoming communication obstacles, avoiding misunderstandings and conflict escalation September 2006; ... where in that process is a group therapy intervention most appropriate? 1) executive trainees (management trainees) 2) mid-career trainees 3) in-house training 4) open training programs? Since training is about teaching new skills and concepts, and facilitation is about helping the group in thinking, trainers and facilitators need to have different, if overlapping, skill sets. A basic condition for an effective conversation is that people feel they are being heard and listened to. At the end of the day, as a facilitator, you are helping a group achieve the common and agreed-upon objectives they want. Super interesting article and the links to toolkits! As a trainer, you need to put more emphasis on learning design skills and possess more knowledge about adult learning principles. Taking a course on group therapy or group dynamics provides essential background on group development, conflict and how to address it in groups, as well as how to foster group cohesion, identify and repair ruptures, and deal with diversity in groups, says Marmarosh. Naturally, the facilitator needs to influence the group to help them stay on track, but must avoid dictating to it. They are taught in groups, live in groups, and often play in groups. therapy, personal development, support groups), and for those who have had counsellor training and group work experience and are hoping to work as group facilitators. Traditionally, the world of ‘training’ is much more associated with presenting information than the world of ‘facilitation,’ which is associated with interactivity. But what if a training session is done very interactively? Of course there is so much more to the group process than outlined here, but I wanted to provide some first steps to be of support: 1. Practise your active listening skills as a facilitator, and encourage all participants to do the same. This may be an open discussion, or a structured one, where you as the facilitator use different techniques to help the group to exchange viewpoints, analyze issues, generate ideas and make decisions. For me, this capacity of the group is an awesome thing. You’re welcome, Michelle! Group therapy is used to guide clients through the process of gaining insight about themselves, others, and the world around them. The Therapeutic Climate in Group Therapy. Make sure that people are not left behind or left out of the flow of the discussions. – which skills would you put emphasis on among the list of skills mentioned in the article when the workshop is virtual? . Find out more in this post on facilitating team meetings! Group therapy is a form of counseling or psychotherapy that involves a therapist working with several people at once. 0000116496 00000 n Two skills I think are required are: a) Either having subject knowledge or being adept at “learning the case” (i.e., becoming knowledgeable enough to make reasonable judgements as you guide the process); and b) Understanding the fundamental principles of “social learning” — the iterative exchange of knowledge between subject “experts’ and the most critical stakeholders. The question I answered was: what processes is the Facilitator responsible for, in order to make groups work in an effective way to achieve their common goal? Have catering arranged so food and drinks are available during breaks, and have the right workshop equipment at hand. By definition, group facilitation means helping everyone in the group contribute in a healthy, productive way. In this guide, learn about virtual facilitation and be a confident facilitator, whatever the format. Managing Silence Using Roving Eye Contact Using Group-Focused Techniques Revisiting Group Vignette #1 and Applying Group-Centered Skills Managing Recalcitrant Members Tools for Measuring Process and Change in Groups Summary … Such training can also help psychologists better understand how to screen potential group members and how to prepare … The process may vary depending on the situation, but most often, a facilitator has the following responsibilities when engaging in workshop or meeting facilitation: Earlier, we learned that the essence of facilitation is to make an action or process easy or easier. Your facilitation practice will benefit from nailing this stage and learning from it for future workshops and meetings. In fact, without thoroughly understanding what the group talks about, it’s nearly impossible to steer a discussion in a productive way! They also work to develop their communication skills and learn to engage in fun, healthy social experiences. 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