If you are looking for an affordable low-profile reel, then take a … If there are other issues that need to be tackled, then we may have it covered below! At your best, try to avoid any grease or grime on any of the parts - this may further complicate any problems that the reel has. And nobody knows that better than Shakespeare. Remove this c-shaped clip with needlenose pliers. Additionally, applying some oil to a reel's moving parts will keep it smooth and protect it from rust and the like. You must be careful at all stages, or you will find yourself restringing your pole until you get it right. In terms of screws, make sure that they are tightly fixed in this time around. As you go ahead and apply some reel oil on the bearings of the anti reverse mechanism, check and see if the lever has any defects or if anything seems off. That first Synergy worked well for all these purposes. But many of you don’t know how to fix a Shakespeare Fishing Reel.… October 12, 2019. The most simplest in design and function, this choice is often used by beginner anglers. After checking which part needs to be repaired, head on over to taking the fishing reel apart. We Sell Only Genuine Shakespeare ® Parts. Are there any awkward movements? A simple thumb operation is all that's needed to reel in fish. Start this off inspecting the surface you plan to place your reel. Once you've taken the spool off, you will then find a tension washer. I got some more 14ft BnM poles, and bought 4 more little Shakespeare reels. Douglas barrell Even though we use a specific brand of spinning reel (Mitchell 300), the same methods apply to all spinning reels with a bail arm. Watch as I disassemble and rebuild a saltwater fishing reel Reel in the video is an Alpha by Shakespeare Allow about 1-1 1/2 feet of line to hang from the tip of the rod 2. Now that you've done some quick fixes on the rotor and anti reverse mechanism, reverse the process and reassemble your Shakespeare fishing reel. Help Last year I bought a Shakespeare Synergy Titanium TI 6U Spinning Reel to use on a 14 foot BnM pole. Manuals for the category Shakespeare Fishing Reels. It is very hard to turn the spool because of all the corrosion inside. These may fit other Shakespeare reels also. Not only will you be able to keep any of the fishing reel's part from rolling off the surface - the light hue will allow you to spot the parts easily. Given the longer line capacity this reel has, you'll be reeling fish in no time with this choice. If it doesn't, then applying some lube or checking the spring attachment should do the trick. Are there any weird or grinding sounds whenever you move the parts? The winding pin needs to be retracted in before removing the cover because on some Shakespeare reels like the 1797's the drag is on a flange, or flanges, inside the front cover. Does a part seem to be out of place? I figured out why that first one was "different" once I took all five reels apart. Was: C $41.27. Additionally, aim for the preventive maintenance mindset. This is why taking the Shakespeare fishing reel is important - not only will you get a clearer picture on how a fishing reel, you may actually repair it while taking the parts out! You will now find a nut attached to the reel. As with other fishing gear, constant maintenance and cleaning needs to be done on fishing reels for these gear to work properly. But what you do need is a good drag. This catalog contains mostly older parts. 3. Featuring a simple design that results in practical and efficient fishing, this subtype specializes in inshore fishing. When the switch for anti reverse was ON, the flapper stuck in the off and the flapper spring wasn't applying tension for an unknown reason from the shaft when the handle was turned. Dissemble the Reel. Pull the spool with fishing line off the reel spindle and set aside. Source(s): line spiderman fishing pole reel one: https://tinyurl.im/S5Ekt This includes the handle, bailarm hinges and line-roller bearing before loosening the drag. Slide one end of the pole into your fishing rod until there are 6 inches sticking out. With several small containers, you will be able to clearly organize these tiny parts. This step describes the basic mechanics of reeling in the line. As much as you'd want to repair your gear out in the wild, you'd risk yourself from losing any small parts this way. Here for AD-Free Premium membership options.